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TEESMAT - Open Innovation Test Bed for Electrochemical Energy Storage Materials

Product Roadmap Lithium-Ion Batteries 2030


Product Roadmap Lithium-Ion Batteries 2030

Lithiumion batteries – The key to electric mobility ?

Due to climate change, rising fossil fuel prices as well as the growing capacity of new storage media for electric power, electric mobility represents a future vision for individual mobility on an environmentally-friendly basis. Set against this background are ambitious political aims such as reducing the dependency on oil and cutting CO2 emissions from road traffic.

The product roadmap lithium-ion batteries 2030 is a graphical representation of already realized and potential applications and products, market-related and political framework conditions and the market requirements regarding different properties of the technology from now up to the year 2030.

Read more about the Product Roadmap Lithium-Ion Batteries 2030 in the report produced by FRAUNHOFER INSTITUTE For systems and innovation research ISI HERE