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TEESMAT - Open Innovation Test Bed for Electrochemical Energy Storage Materials

Advanced technologies for industry. Product watch : solid-state-lithium-ion-batteries for electric vehicles


Advanced technologies for industry. Product watch : solid-state-lithium-ion-batteries for electric vehicles

Since the global demand for high-energy and high-power energy storage devices increased, lithium-ion (li-ion) batteries have emerged as the dominating energy storage solution for portable electronics and electric vehicles.

With the objective of realising the green mobility transition and overcoming concerns about electric vehicles, e.g. with regards to their range, new technologies for lithium-ion-batteries are developed. Among these advanced battery technologies, is the solid-state-lithium-ion battery (SSB) as one of the most relevant approaches, promising greater security and performance.

Why choosing SSB among the different emerging battery technologies?

Significant research effort is dedicated world-wide to several future cell chemistries with the potential to outperform contemporary li-ion cells used in conventional batteries and to address their weak points. A significant improvement in performance might be the introduction of pure li-anodes, which could be the mid- to long-term goal and might require the deployment of solid electrolytes. On experimental scale, such batteries with pure-li-anodes and solid electrolytes already reach impressive energy densities, which make them very attractive for their use in cars; Furthermore, solid-state-li-ion-batteries have the potential to address some of the major limitations of conventional li-ion-cells, especially their safety aspect. The liquid electrolyte used in conventional li-ion batteries, is flammable and corrosive, having led to several dangerous hazards in the past.

Read the full publication on the Publications Office of the EU Here